Water Reclamation

Water Reclamation Systems

Water Recovery Systems for Large-Scale Commercial Indoor Grow Environments

Water reclamation systems for your commercial greenhouse and indoor cannabis grow hydroponic system can significantly reduce water-related expenses by capturing and reusing waste or runoff water. Also known as “water recycling” helps to not only conserve water resources but can also improve the quality of the water and nutrients available to the plants, leading to healthier and more productive growth.

Our hydroponic water reclamation and recycling solutions are tailor-made for your commercial facility to ensure your operations are both environmentally responsible and economically viable.

By integrating our advanced technology, you can significantly reduce water usage while boosting crop health, sustainability, and productivity.

What are the benefits of water reclamation?

Reduced Water Consumption

Water reclamation systems significantly cut down on the amount of water required for large-scale commercial hydroponics and indoor cannabis cultivation. By recycling and purifying water, these systems can reuse water multiple times, reducing the need to constantly draw fresh water. This not only conserves valuable water resources but also decreases the operational costs associated with water procurement. For facilities in areas with limited water availability or high water costs, the savings can be substantial, making sustainable cultivation practices more accessible and cost-effective.

Enhanced Crop Yield and Quality

The controlled environment of a water reclamation system ensures that plants receive water with optimal nutrient levels, free from pathogens and contaminants. This consistency in water quality can lead to healthier plants and, consequently, higher yields.

Moreover, the ability to adjust nutrient concentrations precisely allows for tailored growth conditions for different strains or types of crops, improving both the quantity and quality of the produce. Enhanced crop quality directly translates to better market value and competitiveness.

Environmental Sustainability

Water reclamation and recycling embody the principles of environmental sustainability by minimizing waste and reducing the ecological footprint of commercial hydroponics and cannabis cultivation. By dramatically lowering water extraction from natural sources, these systems help preserve ecosystems and reduce the strain on local water resources.

Furthermore, the reduction in wastewater discharge mitigates the risk of contaminating local waterways with nutrients or chemicals, protecting aquatic life and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

Integrating water reclamation technologies into commercial hydroponics and indoor cannabis facilities streamlines operations and can lead to significant cost savings and increased profit margins over time. The reduced need for fresh water not only lowers water bills but also decreases the costs associated with nutrient supply, as nutrients can be recycled within the system.

Additionally, the automation of water and nutrient delivery systems reduces labor costs and minimizes the potential for human error, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation

As environmental regulations become stricter for the cannabis industry, water reclamation systems offer a proactive solution for large-scale growers to stay ahead of legal requirements. These systems reduce the risk of non-compliance with water usage and wastewater management regulations, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

By adopting water reclamation, facilities demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices, which can improve their standing with regulators, customers, and the community at large, potentially opening up new markets and opportunities.

Got a question about water recovery?

Contact us today to talk directly to one of our experts and discover how our long-term expertise can help you plan and build the correct water reclamation system for your indoor grow facility. Click the button below to schedule an appointment.

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What factors do you need to take into consideration when choosing your water reclamation system?

Choosing the right water reclamation system for your commercial hydroponics setup depends on several key factors, including the size of your commercial operation, the types of crops you grow, and your specific water quality requirements. Here’s a short list of what to consider to ensure you select the most appropriate system:

System Capacity and Scalability

Assess the volume of water your operation uses daily to determine the capacity your reclamation system needs to handle. It’s also wise to consider future expansion plans; opting for a system that can scale with your growth will save you from needing to invest in a new setup prematurely.

Water Quality Requirements

Different crops may have unique nutrient and pH requirements. A system that can not only reclaim but also adjust water to meet these specific conditions will enhance crop yield and quality. Look for systems that include reverse osmosis, UV sterilization, and nutrient dosing capabilities.

Types of Reclamation Technology

Mechanical Filtration removes particulates from the water, which is essential for preventing clogs in your hydroponic system. Biological Treatment processes can remove organic matter and pathogens, improving water safety and quality.
Chemical Treatment, including reverse osmosis and UV sterilization, can further purify water, ensuring it meets the highest standards for reuse.

Energy Efficiency

The energy consumption of your water reclamation system directly impacts its cost-effectiveness and environmental footprint. Systems with high energy efficiency may have higher upfront costs but offer significant savings in the long term.

Maintenance and Operational Complexity

Consider the level of maintenance required and whether you have the necessary expertise on hand. Some systems are more user-friendly and automated, requiring less day-to-day management, while others might need regular monitoring and manual adjustments.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure the system meets all local and national regulations regarding water reclamation and reuse, especially if the reclaimed water will be discharged at some point. Compliance not only protects the environment but also safeguards your operation against legal issues.


Finally, evaluate the cost of the system not just in terms of purchase and installation, but also maintenance, operation, and potential savings on water and nutrients. An initially more expensive system might offer greater efficiency and savings over its lifespan.

In summary, the ideal water reclamation system for your commercial hydroponics setup should be tailored to your specific needs, scalable, energy-efficient, and compliant with regulations, all while fitting within your budget. Consulting with one of our in-house specialists in hydroponic systems can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.

Let’s talk about water reclamation!

Contact our in-house team to discuss your water reclamation requirements to discover how our long-term expertise can benefit your CEA greenhouse or cannabis grow facility. Book a free consultation by clicking the button below to schedule an appointment.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How does water reclamation impact the quality of cannabis produced?

By providing a controlled, clean, and consistent water supply, water reclamation systems can improve the health and growth rate of cannabis plants. This leads to higher yields and superior quality cannabis, as plants are less likely to be stressed or diseased.

Can water reclamation systems help in reducing operational costs?

Yes, water reclamation systems can significantly reduce operational costs by minimizing the need for fresh water and nutrients. The recycling process reduces water and nutrient consumption, leading to considerable savings over time.

Are water reclamation systems difficult to install and maintain?

The complexity of installation and maintenance varies by system design and scale. However, modern systems are increasingly user-friendly, with automated features that simplify operation and maintenance. It’s important to have a professional assessment to ensure compatibility with your existing setup.

Do water reclamation systems meet regulatory requirements for cannabis cultivation?

Water reclamation systems are designed to meet—and in some cases—exceed environmental and agricultural regulations, including those specific to cannabis cultivation. They not only help in conserving water but also ensure that any wastewater discharge complies with local regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

How do water reclamation systems handle contaminants and pathogens in the water?

Water reclamation systems typically use a combination of filtration, UV sterilization, and sometimes chemical treatments to remove contaminants and pathogens from the water. This ensures that the recycled water is safe and clean for reuse in cannabis cultivation, protecting plants from diseases and ensuring high-quality yields.